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Shipping Information

  • Welcome to our worry-free 10-day exchange and full refund policy - Love it or Return It.

  • We utilize third-party shipping companies such as UPS, FedEx, and UPSP to handle our shipping needs. The shipping rates are calculated at the time of checkout

  • Please note that we utilize third-party shipping companies such as UPS, FedEx, and UPSP to handle our shipping needs. The shipping rates are calculated at the time of checkout.

  • Each item is made to order. Please allow 1-3 days to complete the order. Once an order is fulfilled, please account for 3-5 business days (in most areas) until the package arrives.

Production Information

Please note that all items are exclusively made to order. We have a very limited selection of styles and hats available at the moment. Please be advised that a high volume of sales may lead to longer processing times owing to third-party shipping

Customized Items [Build] Policy

​We cannot use any copyrighted items without obtaining prior permission from the copyright owner.

Custom Designing info

  • Once we receive all necessary files and images, we'll email you 3-5 different layouts and designs. We want to make sure we're on the same page before we engrave your hat. Once we receive your approval, we'll get to work and have your hat shipped out within 1-2 business days for most orders.

  • Sending Image info

    • Once a purchase has been made you’ll receive an email on how to send the files.

Custom Text Info

  • The custom text must be exactly as you want engraved/printed.

  • If there is an error in the text, you have 30 minutes to email

  • After 30 minutes you will be charged a reprocessing fee of up to but not limited to $20.

Shipping Info

  • Custom orders shipping is not included in prices unless otherwise stated.

Member/Subscriber Info

  • By subscribing or becoming a member of our website you'll Sign up for our website today and unlock a world of savings! By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive deals, receive coupons, and enjoy free shipping opportunities. Don't miss out on these amazing benefits - join now! receive coupons, exclusive deals, and or free shipping opportunities.

  • Promotions, deals, coupons, and shipping rates are subject to change

  • Free Shipping does include custom orders

Cookies & Data

At Snow Blade Precision LLC, we value your privacy and take it seriously. Rest assured that we will never sell your personal information or data to third parties. We only use cookies to help you save your cart items and member information for your convenience. Our website also uses analytics to collect data on the pages and products that our customers view, save, and purchase. We are committed to ensuring a safe and secure shopping experience for all our customers. Thank you for choosing Snow Blade Precision LLC    .

Your Information and Us

We understand how important your privacy and security are. Our online store is designed to keep your personal and financial information as safe as possible. We offer a feature that allows you to save your profile, shipping information, and payment method, making it easy for you to make repeat purchases. We take your privacy seriously and do everything possible to ensure that you can shop with confidence.

We use analytics to monitor and track your browsing and purchasing behavior on our website. This information helps us to improve your shopping experience and provide you with relevant product recommendations. We also offer the option to save your checkout information for faster and more convenient purchases in the future. But rest assured that we only store this information with your consent, and we never share your personal details with third parties.


Your privacy is our top priority at Snow Blade Precision. We understand that trust is essential in any relationship, and we take it seriously. We have a strict policy against sharing your information with anyone, for any reason, at any time. Rest assured that you can always count on us to keep your information private and secure.

Secure check-Out

Our secure payment and checkout process ensures that every transaction you make on our site is swift, reliable, and safe. We recognize the importance of the trust our customers place in us when making purchases online, and we honor that confidence by providing an exceptional level of security. When shopping with Snow Blade Precision, you can rest assured that your personal and financial information is always protected.


100% Secure

Check out


Pay your way


Most orders ship in 1-2 business days


Get it as when you need it, with our shipping options.


10-Day love it or return it policy


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